How I got used to Vim

TLDR; I got faster at writing (code and articles) once I stopped fighting the editor. My journey from a mouse dependent editor to a keyboard one. As an active developer, I constantly strive to optimize my workflows. Anything that is repetitive must be automated to the nth degree. All actions that are pure, that is to say, yield the same result if the inputs are same are easy to do.

Nova Editor by Panic - A Quick Review

Over the years the choices of IDEs and code editors have reduced significantly. We earlier had quite a few options across OSes from BBEdit, Notepad++, Eclipse, etc. However now with the need for advanced IDEs there are only a handful picks that work across all OSes, and that is great! We have contenders in both the open source (VS Code, Vim, etc) and commercial (Intellij, Sublime Text, etc) spaces. These are all amazing editors and IDEs but when it comes to native ones that are fast and native the choices are quite limited.

Flutter Clean Settings UI

All apps need a setting panel for its configuration. Generating one requires the same boiler plate code to be written for each app. Although the configuration itself is myriad depending on the application purpose the set of widgets remain the same.

Flutter out-of-the-box does not provide a generic way of constructing configuration panels. Clean settings project delivers a simple yet rich way of building the configuration panel.

State of developed nations - Perceptions

What you are seeing is that the wealthiest, geographically advantaged, productive capitalist societies in the world flounder and fail at its most basic test. Taking care of its people. This crisis is not about the virus. This crisis is about the massive failure of our, “Booming economy,” to survive even modest challenges. It is about the market dissonance of shortages in stores, even as farmers/producers destroy unused crops and products.

Technology Entrepreneurship - The New Face of Ambition

Ambition is a driving force for the modern-day entrepreneur. In this regard, the difference between the last decade and the present one is advancements in technology that guide entrepreneurs to their goals. It takes a great deal of ambition over creative thought to rise in an economy where technology dictates your brand’s growth and status. In these changing times, entrepreneurs need to decide between an ambitious path that includes creating a technology startup or the 9-5 everyday life.